Don’t worry
about the restricted flying area!
The mandatory reporting points and the arrival / departure procedures do not apply if the restriction flying area ED-R 37A is deactivated.
You can check the status of the ED-R 37A at any time during the flight on Nordhorn-Info 122.655 MHz, or before the flight by calling +49 5921 36733.
When ED-R 37A applies, arrivals and departures are communicated to and discussed directly with the German Army's Range Control Officer (RCO) directly from the Nordhorn-Lingen aerodrome. From this moment on, the Nordhorn-Lingen aerodrome becomes a controlled space. If the flight restriction area ED-R 37A is activated, only straight-in landing approaches are permitted.
Take-offs and landings, Approaches/Departures MAX 600 MSL
Download the Google Earth file here and check it out in your own time: EDWN_EDR37.kml