122.655 MHz

Always worth a trip - whether by plane, car, bicycle or on foot.

NEU bei uns!
E-Bike Vermietung

Filling Station


AVGAS 2,40 €

04.03.2025 12:38
Price per litre includes oil and VAT.

ED-R 37A

ED-R 37A

Don’t worry about the restricted flying area

last update: 26.03.2025 12:46:54
actual state ED-R 37A: not active.
No responsibility for information




no Notams available


Get to know the Nordhorn-Lingen aerodrome better.

The special location, right on the Dutch border, makes the Nordhorn-Lingen aerodrome an attractive location for aviation and for the local economy.

There are around 70 aircraft and around 30 gliders stationed at Nordhorn-Lingen Aerodrome.

The focus is on private air transport, but commercial aviation is becoming increasingly important thanks to the positive economic development in the region.
Business travellers can reach their customers all over Germany and abroad from our aerodrome.

  • Vereinigung Aktiver Piloten e.V.

NOTAMs für den Flugplatz Nordhorn-Lingen und Umgebung

Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr!